Dear Parent(s)/Guardians(s):

Service Dog at School

Beginning on Thursday March 1st, one of our Life Skills students will attend class with a hearing dog to support her special needs. Successful transition and entry of the dog into the school environment has been planned in accordance with the Waterloo Region District School Board ‘USE OF A SERVICE DOG BY A STUDENT’ Procedure and with input and consultation from the school and broader community.

The dog has been specially trained and is a Certified Service Dog. This is a working dog and will be easily identified as one by the vest it wears.

WCI students will be introduced via a post on the school website and rules for interaction will be reviewed during their period B class this week. In addition at all entrance doors, signs will be posted to indicate that a service dog is working in our school.   

Please know that all students will be requested to not ask to pet or approach the working dog.

Should you wish further information or would like to speak further about the entry of the service dog into our school setting, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly.


H. Kolb


