The WRDSB is offering “Upgrading Summer School Courses” (55 hours; half credit course) for students to improve their learning in a course from their CURRENT semester.  It is intended for students in Grade 11 & 12 English and Math courses (courses listed at the end of post).

The new upgrading courses are:
1)  Only for students from Semester Two this year that have been SUCCESSFUL in the course;
2) The upgrading course will be 3 hours per day for the duration of Summer School (June 29-July 24);
3) Both marks (June mark & upgraded Summer School mark) will appear on a student’s transcript and will BOTH go toward the 34 credit cap;
4) Only ONE mark will count toward the 30 credits required for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD); and
5) The upgrading courses will be offered based on enrollment.

NOTE: Summer School recovery credits (for a failed/incomplete course) will NOT be offered this year.

To register, please complete the Summer School Intent to Enroll Form.  If you have any questions, please contact your student’s Guidance Counsellor.

As per the Ministry of Education: “This opportunity will allow students to improve their marks and consolidate their learning. The summer school teacher will review key concepts and overall expectations in a flexible, accelerated manner that allows students to demonstrate knowledge and skills. If a student upgrades a course, both marks will be entered on the student’s Ontario Student Transcript (OST).”

ENG3E (Gr. 11 English – Essential/Workplace)
ENG3C (Gr. 11 English – College)
ENG3U (Gr. 11 English – University)

ENG4E (Gr. 12 English – Essential/Workplace)
ENG4C (Gr. 12 English – College)
ENG4U (Gr. 12 English – University)

MBF3C (Gr. 11 Math – College)
MCF3M (Gr. 11 Math – College/University)
MCR3U (Gr. 11 Math – University)

MAP4C (Gr. 12 Math – College)
MEL4E (Gr. 12 Math – Essential/Workplace)
MCV4U (Gr. 12 Math – Calculus & Vectors)
MDM4U (Gr. 12 Math – Data Management)
MHF4U (Gr. 12 Math – Advanced Functions)