We’re getting such great submissions, and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to submit theirs.

Use this form (http://bit.ly/wcigrads2021) to submit the following:

1. Your name and information
2. Your grad photo (watch the videos for tips on taking a quality one)
3. A quote by a famous person, a personal quote and a favourite memory – one will be selected to be included with your photo.

DEADLINE: January 22, 2021.

1. I can’t access the form!
Make sure you are logged in to your BROWSER with your school (WRDSB) account. The form is only accessible with your account.

2. Where are the tutorial videos for taking a good picture?
They are embedded in the form.

3. How long do I have to submit this?
You have until Friday, January 22.

4. Have I missed the deadline to order a yearbook?

No. Information about yearbook sales will come out the week of January 25th.

**Please note that the yearbook team and the school’s administrators reserve the right to not include what you submit, should it be deemed inappropriate.**