Are you or someone you know passionate about WCI, want to be involved in leadership and build our WCI school community? This week you is your chance to nominate yourself or someone you know to  represent the WCI student body as Co-Mayor for the 2021-22 school year.  Here is your nomination form. 

If you are wondering what exactly a Co-Mayor is responsible for check out your guidance classrooms. For more information please check out the Student Council Website or WCIinfo on Instagram.  Following the election we will have interviews for our Student Council Executive which include the following Director positions: Arts, Social Justice, Wellness, Athletics, Events and Student Life.

Timelines of Co-Mayor Elections

Nomination Week- March 22-26- Eligible Candidates will be contacted on Monday March 9 to move on to Prelims.
Prelim Election- If needed- Tuesday March 30- 1 minute speech during a google meet with a variety of WCI classes and teachers
Election Week – First week of Quad 4 – Online Campaign and Voting

If you have any questions please contact