March 9th, 2023
Secondary Remote Learning Program (SRLP) – 2023/2024 School Year
NOTE: You must contact your Guidance Counsellor as soon as possible if you are interested in requesting SRLP for next school year.
If you are considering SRLP for 2023/2024, please read the information below:
As a Secondary Remote Learning student in Grade 9 or 10 you will attend online virtual courses taught synchronously by WRDSB teachers, but not necessarily from your home secondary school. All students in the SRLP will receive their coursework through online tools and will participate in classes synchronously during the school day. New this year for grade 9 and 10, please connect with your Guidance counselor to learn how you can attend the school in a classroom setting for your remote learning, and how you could join some courses in person. Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM), Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Integrated Arts, French Immersion/Extended French or other school specialized programs will NOT be available through the SRLP. In addition, students selecting the SRLP will not have the option of working tech free.
For grade 11 and 12 students who would like fully or partially remote for their courses, we are shifting this year to a fully asynchronous elearn course. You will have the opportunity to receive in person support in a student success classroom should you choose to do so. You may also connect with your Guidance counselor to register for some in person courses in addition to the virtual elearn options. There are many courses that could enrich your experience and assist in your post secondary goals that you may want to learn about (ex: SHSM, COOP, OYAP, Dual Credit).
The following remote program course offerings summary provides you with the information you need regarding the courses that will be offered in the remote learning program. It is important to note that our remote learning course offerings are limited compared to our in-person course offerings. In addition, these course offerings are conditional upon sufficient enrollment and are therefore subject to change.
Grade 9 Course Offerings for the Secondary Remote Learning Program (SRLP)
The timetable for Grade 9 students is a package of 8 courses that all remote learning students will take (conditional on sufficient enrollment):
Math (MTH 1W)
Science (SNC 1W)
English (ENG 1D)
French (FSF 1D)
Geography (CGC 1D)
Introduction to Business (BBI 1O)
Exploring Family Studies (HIF 1O)
Integrated Arts (ALC 1O)
Grade 10 Course Offerings for SRLP
The timetable for Grade 10 students is a package of 8 courses that all remote learning students will take (conditional on sufficient enrollment):
Math (MPM 2D)
Science (SNC 2D/SNC 2P) – may only offer SNC 2D if enrollment is low
English (ENG 2D/ENG 2P) – may only offer ENG 2D if enrollment is low
History (CHC 2D/CHC 2P) – may only offer CHCI 2D if enrollment is low
Civics (CHV 2O) and Careers (GLC 2O) (both are half credit courses)
Information and Communication Technology in Business (BTT 2O)
Healthy Living and Personal Fitness (PAF 2O)
Discovering the Workplace (GLD 2O)
Leadership, ‘Build a Credit’ Exploration Course (GPP3OI)
Grade 11 and 12 Course Offerings
In Grade 11 and 12, we will be offering a variety of core courses and electives through the elearning program that will provide for varying pathways to graduation. It is essential that grade 11 and 12 students receive direct support from their Guidance counselor to ensure they have the necessary course and graduation requirements accounted for in their course selection and pathway planning. NOTE: eLearning course offerings are listed in myBlueprint (filter by the ‘eLearning’ discipline in your High School Planner)