We would like to remind our families that Wednesday, April 17th and Thursday, April 18th are Instructional Support and Evaluation Days.

Student Attendance: 

On the instructional support days, the vast majority of our students will not attend in person but will work from home to complete any remaining evaluations asynchronously or attend any drop-in support sessions or conferences synchronously.

  • If students connect with their teachers in any way, they will be marked as present. (ie., submits work, logs into the online classroom, sends an email, or responds to a Google form tracking attendance. Our attendance secretaries will then enter “Excused – Learn from Home”).
  • If the student does not show any signs of engagement through synchronous or asynchronous activity, they should be marked as “Absent
    Teachers will communicate expectations for these days to their students and notify specific students if in-person attendance is required. Students that attend in-person will follow a regular, daily schedule and all teachers will be available to students during their regularly scheduled class time. School bus transportation will be provided following the usual schedule.

Students in our ACE & Bridges program will attend in-person following their regular schedule.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or the main office.