WCI has noticed an increase in students struggling to focus on their schoolwork during class.

Teachers have always had the discretion to create a technology policy that matches the needs and curriculum of their classrooms.  This includes the use of cell phones, Chromebooks, iPads, etc.
To support teachers in consistently communicating these expectations, WCI has developed a simple visual to help students know the expectations.  Starting this week, students will be introduced to a simple traffic light poster in class.  This light will have the typical colours that relate to the level of technology permitted in the classroom.  Red – no technology, Yellow – WRDSB provided technology, Green – all technology.  This system is meant to be simple to support all of our learners in understanding the expectations and consistent across all classrooms.

We ask that parents/caregivers not contact their students via their cellphones during class time (8:15 to 10:50 and 11:50 to 2:25). If it is an emergency, you may contact the school’s main office, which will help get information to your student.

Students should never use technology to film other students without their knowledge and consent.

Students need to follow their teacher’s directions around technology.  Failure to do so will be addressed using a supportive progressive discipline approach.  This could result in phone calls home, referrals to the vice-principal, in-school support, etc.

Thank you for your attention and support in this matter.