Hi Vikings!

Please complete this Google Form to request a course change for 2024-2025.

Requested changes may NOT be possible as many courses are already FULL.  Please fill out this form for each request (removal of 1 course; addition of 1 course).

NOTE: Please do NOT email your guidance counsellor inquiring about the change. Counsellors will email you IF the course change request is possible.

Course change requests will ONLY be considered for:

1) ​​Course Level Changes in Compulsory Courses (i.e. college level English course to a university level English course)
2)​​ Prerequisite Courses ​R​equired for Pathway Changes (i.e. change from pursuing arts to the sciences)
3) ​​Failed Courses
4) ​​Impacts from a Summer School Course
5) Removal of a Course
Thank you!