Opening Day Schedule and Timetables


  • The first day of school is – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH.
  • Grade 9 students will attend all day starting at 8:00 am.  

  • Grades 10 – 12 will begin their classes at 11:50 am.

  • Students can find their homeroom on a list in the Upper Foyer.


Time Grade 9 Students

Students in Grade 

10, 11, 12

8:00 – 8:15 Grade 9 students find your Homeroom on the lists posted in the main foyer.

Students in Grade 10, 11, 12 who attend are welcome to spend this time in the cafeteria, or can book guidance, CYW or VP appointments (subject to availability).  

Students will be able to look up their Period 1 Class on the lists in the main foyer.

Timetables will be available in 

Period 1.

8:15 – 9:15

Grade 9 Opening Assembly

In Auditorium

9:15 – 10:00 Grade 9 Student Tours in Period 1 Groups
10:00 – 10:50

Lockers & Get to Know You Activities

Your senior student leader will take you to your homeroom class, where your Period 1 teacher will help you do the following:

● Receive your timetable.

● Get your locker. Bring a combination lock with you!

LUNCH10:50-11:50 A lunch will be provided or you are welcome to bring your own lunch.
11:50 – 12:15 Period 1 – ALL GRADES
12:20 -12:45 Period 2 – ALL GRADES
12:50 – 1:15 Period 3 – ALL GRADES
1:20 – 1:45 Period 4 – ALL GRADES
1:45 – 2:25

Chromebook Handout in Cafeteria

Hand in your signed Chromebook contract and receive your Chromebook.

  • Students with timetable questions can book guidance appointments.
  • Students can follow up with course teachers for questions.
  • Students can also attend the library to borrow resources.