The “Pre-AP” academic programs offered at WCI in Grades 11 (with the exception of Grade 11 Physics SPH3UW) are university (3UI) level courses that follow the Ontario Curriculum.  Where possible, the pace of learning/assessment and additional enrichment content is incorporated into the courses. This is to better prepare students for the Grade 12 AP Courses (and SPH3UW) when students will need to manage the incorporation of the AP Exam material into the Ontario Curriculum within one semester of learning. The Pre-AP program’s objectives are to ensure that students possess the skills and attributes necessary to succeed in the Grade 12 4UW courses (and SPH3UW), demonstrating their knowledge on the AP Exams. 

Pre-AP Student Profile

  • Enjoys a challenge and can manage the stress of an added workload 
  • Has a well-established work ethic and possesses the willingness to work hard 
  • Is enthusiastic, self-directed and capable of handling the accelerated pace of learning
  • Demonstrates strong literacy and communication (verbal and written) skills 
  • Possesses resilience and self-advocacy skills 
  • Has a passion and curiosity for the subject of study
  • Demonstrates an intellectual curiosity over a broad range of interests
  • Demonstrates academic excellence in the chosen subject area (achieves over 85%)


Gain the Edge in University Preparation:

  • Get a head start on the calibre of work presented at University
  • Improve writing skills and sharpen problem-solving techniques
  • Develop the study habits necessary for tackling challenging coursework

Stand Out in the University Admissions Process:

  • Emphasizes commitment to challenging academic excellence when completing AIF (Additional Information Form) for University applications
  • Gain self-confidence and demonstrate maturity/readiness for University 

Broaden Intellectual Horizons:

  • Explore the world from a variety of perspectives
  • Study subjects in greater depth and detail
  • Develop deeper level skills in reasoning and analysis
  • Enhance comprehension and understanding of concepts
  • (Potentially) earn Transfer Credits to University for high scores on AP Exams 

Ontario Universities and AP Transfer Credits

Note 1: Ontario/Canadian Universities ONLY see the first 5 characters of Course Codes (e.g. ENG4U) which means they will not know which courses you took at the AP Level. This information can be shared with universities on supplementary documents.

Note 2: A high score on the AP exam is the only factor which may lead to a Transfer Credit. 


  1. English – ENG 4UW – > English Literature and Composition Exam 
  2. French – FEF/FSF 4UW – >  French Language & Culture Exam 
  3. Mathematics – MHF 4UW & MCV 4UW (student must sign up for both) -> Calculus (AB or BC) Exam
  4. Biology ->SBI4UW Exam 
  5. *Physics -> SPH 3UW (*Gr. 11) *Physics 1: Algebra-Based Exam 
  6. Physics SPH 4UW (3 potential exams) ->Physics 2: Algebra-Based, Physics C: Mechanics, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Exams 
  7. Chemistry -> SCH4UW Exam